Monday, November 7, 2011

Memorial Service

My sweetest Lans,

It is hard to believe that just a week ago I was in your room in ICU saying my last goodbyes "just in case" you didn't make it. The greatest blessing in the last 10 months is that our lives have revolved around you. I don't think you questioned our love for you and if you were watching on Saturday as hundreds of loved ones piled into the chapel I am certain you felt it then too. Ben said, "I am sure she was thrilled with the service, if for no other reason, all of the people who came to support her." You always loved a party and you got one. And there is nothing better to celebrate than you.

Your sweet boys. . . all three of them.

That my Lans, is a whole lot of love. . .

1 comment:

  1. Hey Bec-
    Thanks so much for posting about the service. I was thinking ALL DAY Saturday about you all...especially during the time of the memorial
    (and every day before and after, honestly). I have been aching to see/know/read more about how it all went, and I am still so sad we weren't able to be there to support your family and Ben and the boys. We love you guys, and I'm sure you all did a wonderful job with all the planning. Love you!!!
