Wednesday, April 25, 2012

My goodness these boys are easy to love Lans.  And they love cantaloupe!

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Relay for Life: San Antonio

Sweet Lans, as you know we lost my cousin John Scheon to colon cancer just two years before we lost you - he too left behind an adoring spouse and beautiful children(his youngest was not yet one just like Andrew at your passing). Jacqui (his wife) did Relay for Life this year and she was kind enough to make a luminary to honor you.

I wonder if the two of you have met up there and chatted about your babies. I hope you are happy up there, I can't imagine you any other way. I believe you are. . because you ARE happiness.

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Sick as dogs

Chicken pox. Diarrhea. Vomit. Yeast infection. It's been a week Lans for your poor little boys- Matthew in particular. He's been a champ considering, but has needed lots of snuggles. Good thing Grandpa Greg came for a visit to take care of those needs. Grandpa "thinks" he had chicken pox as a kid. Let's hope - we'll find out in 10 to 21 days I guess. You sure about that whole not immunizing thing? If you're second guessing up there, maybe put a bug in Ben's ear . . .or hit him upside with the head with a Heavenly frying pan! Just Kidding!! mostly. Miss you every second.

This is one gorgeous little boy. He is so tender and curious.

Thursday, April 5, 2012


Lans, your sweet little boys has been repeating his own name over and over. It is precious and he says it perfectly too! "An-drew, An-drew, An-drew" Darling!!!

And he says Dog-gy!

I've been slacking.

A sweet memory of you came to mind and I had to write it down. Your physical fitness was no secret, I'll never forget when you flexed your biceps for me and my jaw dropped to the floor. Your biceps were serious bulging rocks. You took care of yourself - somewhere in between being full time mom and working full time as a nurse and full time at the store you managed to get ripped.

I remember when you got sick how hard it was not to be able to exercise. As soon as your lymphoma was under control (right about this time last year) you would take the boys on walks or ride your bike - anything you could.

I remember just about a week before you passed, you lying in your hospice bed, still determined to get better. You couldn't talk, couldn't walk, couldn't swallow. Your hands were not quite strong enough to pull the cap off of your marker so Ben helped you after he explained to me your grip wasn't strong enough to do it yourself. The first thing you wrote, "I've really been slacking on my PT (physical therapy)." I looked at you and said, "Yeah Lans, you are a real slacker. I as just thinking the same thing." Such a fighter Lans. I miss you.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Oh Lans. . .I blew it. Your remarkably sweet friend Jessica Walters sent me this message in her efforts to honor you. This move has left me physically exhausted and mentally unsound I'm afraid and I missed posting this sooner. I'm sure you were watching her and were so touched. Sorry to Jessica and all who would have liked to be there. Many thanks.
Hi Rebecca,

I am sorry I didn't get this to you sooner. I was really hoping to have set up a Relay for Life team in honor of Ilana. I am now doing travel nursing and was unable to make that commitment. The Relay for Life in Surprise will be at the end of this month. I am planning to still attend in honor of her and a few other close people that I have know to have cancer.

Relay for Life Starts 3/31 at 10 am. It is an event that will last through the night. The theme of it is that Cancer never sleeps. The money raised from the whole even is distributed back into the community toward programs for research or testing for patients that have cancer. I am still hoping in the future to create a team in honor of Ilana. I was hoping you would be able to send a message to any of her family and friends to let them know about this.
Thanks for all you do in honor of Ilana.

I hope it's not too late to get this message out.
Thanks again,