Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Missing your cuties!!

I found these pics from the last time I saw the boys!  I miss seeing these cuties so frequently!  My Jacob said  to me today, "Where's Matthew my best friend?!"
 They could not be more perfect!!

Reminiscing car troubles with Hillary

Note from Hillary (I received after the post about you running out of gas)

There's also the time, it was during Christmas and my dad put 2 presents under the tree for each my sister and I. We didn't know what they were and my sister and I would kind of peak at them, "What could this be," and we'd scratch our head. Until Christmas morning we opened them up and it was about the size of a car battery, but it goes in our car and gets us 5 miles or to the nearest gas station 
When were out of gas, and we said, "Gee thanks Dad, okaaay, I guess, some Christmas present."

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Shoe shoppin' helpers

Marina is helping Ben teach the boys about all the important stuff. It's all about hard work and :)

The boys wanted to help daddy and "Rina" clean up the back yard.  And Mr. Andrew's big feet burst his sneakers so she took them shopping.He's not yet 2 and wearing a size 9. Hes a monsta!

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Out of Gas

As I was out driving today I remember a story your dad told at your wedding if I remember it right (Arnie correct me if the details are wrong).

You called your daddy and said, "Dad my car stopped running, I don't know what's wrong."  Arnie, "Ilana are you out of gas?"  "Couldn't be, I just put $5 in last week!"    Everyone had a good laugh, I'd say it was at your expense, but you were laughing quite a bit too!

Then I thought about when you were being treated and you were finally feeling well enough to drive (finally not taking pain meds that made you so you couldn't drive) and you were driving the boys to my house for me to watch so you could rest.  Your registration had expired and an officer pulled you over and gave you a ticket.  We were so mad at the officer who would give that to you when you were suffering - he probably thought your scarf was a fashion statement hotty pants.  We asked you if you told him you had cancer, that you had been doing chemo for the last several months and hadn't been able to drive and had a few other things on your mind.  . . "No, no, I don't want to give excuses. .. ."

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Her best 33 years. . .

I heard this song "Ronan" by Taylor Swift, who took the words from a mom who lost her son to cancer at four, for the first time today.    
I have been emailing with your mom a lot lately and she is grieving for you so badly right now. . undoubtedly you were her best 33 years.  She said she looks back at this blog and your time together almost every day.  That year was the worst and the best.  Watching you in pain was so terrible but being with you every second she could. . breathing you in, holding you, protecting you... she brought you comfort like know one else could.  I will never, ever forget how your demeanor would change when she entered the room.  I would see you scared, unable to talk at times and she would walk in the room and hold your hand and your countenance would change . . peace would come over you - almost like you were taking a breath of air after drowning.

So I'm thankful she has this blog to look back on . .. hopefully drawing comfort knowing she was everything you needed her to be and more when you needed it most.  Remembering just how broken your body was and a reminder that you now you are flying. . . even though you were quite determined not to.  Sometimes we just wish we could fly behind you, making our flight easier in your tail wind like we did when you were here on earth with us- enjoying the beauty of the world around you filled with meaningful dreams, love and laughter.

Monday, September 10, 2012


Grandma and Grandpa brought the boys over for a swim with their cousins.  To put it mildly, Matthew was a little excited!  He is a water baby!

 How cute are they with grandpa!?!

 Look at your gentle giant.  These boys are so beautiful and so precious!!

 Look at him just loungin'!! "Can someone get me a lemonade on the rocks?"